Feeding Your Skin for the Winter

Feeding Your Skin for the Winter

Harsh winter weather can wreak havoc with your skin.

It’s the rainy, windy, icy and cold conditions outside plus the dry and warm heat of inside buildings that your skin has to contend with.

So, today we will talk about the nutrients and essential oils that can keep your skin healthy and hydrated so these constant cold and dry conditions are less bothersome.

Women, it seems on the average have drier skin than men, so moisturizing is encouraged to keep our skin looking young.

Best Suggestions to Feed Your Skin

Studies have found that healthy fats and oils are good structural components for feeding the skin.

Certain minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals or antioxidants are crucial to keeping your skin hydrated, healthy and of course young looking.

  1. Both Omega 3 and 6 fats are anti-inflammatory, especially the linoleic acid in plant seed oils, play essential roles in constructing and maintaining a barrier function for the epidermis, or the skins outer layer.

Oils like rosehips, evening primrose or linseed (flaxseed), pomegranate, jojoba, coconut, and avocado are good food sources of these oils. 

  1. Good quality proteins like lean meat, fish, legumes, and nuts are important for their amino acids to create the collagen which gives you the plumpness and bounce to our skin. The phytochemicals in plant foods to help prevent sun damage that is present from indoor pollution, alcohol, and overeating..
  1. Vitamin A studies show how they influence the formation of new skin cells and vitamin C is essential for collagen building. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant shielding the polyunsaturated fats from oxidative damage.
  2. Minerals like zinc, are present in the dermis and epidermis helping to prevent cell damage and ensuring cell growth. Sulfur helps to build connective tissues like cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.

Silicon helps with maintaining healthy skin by stimulating collagen growth; reduces skin roughness and increases elasticity. 

Essential oils can help, especially Frankincense, which evens out skin tone and aging spots. It can help tighten saggy skin and bring back elasticity.

Lavender Essential oil is helpful for many skin conditions and for those aging wrinkles.

Dry skin needs water so be sure you are drinking the recommended one to one-half liter per day.

It is beneficial to try dry body brushing daily if possible. Use a special body brush, bush your skin up towards the heart, do this before your shower, then shower off, to help get rid of those dry flaky old, skin cells. Then use a moisturizer on your skin.

Remember there are certain foods that encourage inflammation which can show up as skin problems. These may include refined carbs, fried food, carbonated or high sweetened drinks.






Cindy Burrows, B.S., M.T., Herbalist and Nutritional Health Consultant.  Helps individuals start health programs to improve their life, wellness and happiness. Cindy is a speaker, writer and entrepreneur of several businesses.

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